Be wary of Listeriosis, an illness caused by the Listeria bacteria

Listeriosis is an infectious disease caused by a bacterium known as Listeria monocytogenes. While this disease is rare, it can have serious consequences, particularly for certain vulnerable groups such as pregnant women, the elderly, and individuals with weakened immune systems. We will further discuss listeriosis, the symptoms that may appear, and simple steps that can […]
Hati – hati dengan Listeriosis, Penyakit akibat Bakteri Listeria

Listeriosis adalah penyakit infeksi yang disebabkan oleh bakteri bernama Listeria monocytogenes. Meskipun penyakit ini jarang terjadi, namun dapat berakibat serius, terutama bagi beberapa kelompok rentan seperti wanita hamil, lansia, dan individu dengan sistem kekebalan tubuh yang lemah. Kita akan membahas lebih lanjut tentang listeriosis, gejala yang mungkin muncul, serta langkah-langkah sederhana yang dapat diambil untuk […]
The vital role of allergen detection in the food industry

The food industry is one of the largest manufacturing sectors, significantly contributing to economic growth. With millions of food products being produced and consumed worldwide every day, safety and quality should be the top priorities. One of the greatest challenges in ensuring food product safety is controlling allergens. What Are Allergens in Food Production? Allergens […]
Peran Vital Deteksi Alergen dalam Industri Makanan

Industri makanan adalah salah satu sektor industri manufaktur terbesar dan sangat berkontribusi pada pertumbuhan ekonomi. Dengan jutaan produk makanan yang diproduksi dan dikonsumsi setiap hari di seluruh dunia, keamanan dan kualitas seharusnya adalah prioritas utama. Salah satu tantangan terbesar dalam memastikan keamanan produk makanan adalah pengendalian alergen. Apa itu Alergen dalam Produksi Makanan? Alergen adalah […]
Pros & Cons about Chlorine

Water, a vital necessity for all living organisms, is highly susceptible to contamination by microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. If the water becomes contaminated, it can become a source of diseases for both humans and other living creatures. That’s where chlorine steps in as a disinfectant, taking care of those pesky microorganisms. Here’s […]
Does Your Wastewater Pollute the Environment?

Wastewater is residual water that has decreased in quality, originating from human activities, such as industrial activities, offices, residential areas, agriculture and public places such as hotels, restaurants, markets and etc. Wastewater needs proper management to minimize the negative impacts on the environment in order to prevent and control water pollution and restore the quality of the water to meet […]
PT Seafood Inspection Laboratory CSR “We Care, We Share” at SDN 14 Pedungan Denpasar

DENPASAR, Friday 17 February 2024 – SD Negeri 14 Pedungan, Denpasar was happy with the arrival of PT Seafood Inspection Laboratory. All students were given socialization on the importance of water. With Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities entitled “We Care, We Share”, PT Seafood Inspection Laboratory provides clean water for Indonesian children, especially Bali and […]
11 Makanan yang Kaya akan Yodium (Iodine)

Iodine atau yang lebih kita kenal dengan Yodium adalah kandungan mineral penting bagi tubuh yang digunakan untuk membuat hormon tiroid. Karena yodium tidak diproduksi oleh tubuh, yodium didapatkan melalui konsumsi makanan, minuman, atau suplemen yang mengandung yodium tersebut. Hormon tiroid berperan dalam banyak hal, salah satunya yakni mengontrol proses metabolisme dalam tubuh. Selain itu, hormon ini juga berfungsi mengatur pertumbuhan tubuh, memperbaiki sel-sel tubuh […]
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) pada Air – Yuk Simak Artinya!

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) pada Air
PT. Seafood Inspection Laboratory is Supporting The Availability of Clean Water for School in Denpasar

PT Seafood Inspection Laboratory carried out Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program titled “We Care, We Share” as form of its social responsibility to the society, also as part of a program to campaign environmental conservation. Through the program, PT. Seafood Inspection Laboratory provided a Reverse Osmosis machine to produce clean water, also distributed number of […]