About Us
PT Seafood Inspection Laboratory is a private food laboratory based in Bali, Indonesia that has been KAN Accredited according to ISO 17025:2017 as the competence for food Laboratory Testing. We provide food safety, water quality, and other relevant testing for seafood exporters, hotels, food suppliers, restaurants & food manufacturers all over Indonesia. With a team of highly qualified employees, we have years of experiences in laboratory and seafood services.

Why Our Laboratory ?
Expert Laboratory Staff
With professional & highly qualified employees, we have years of experiences in laboratory and seafood services
Using Modern Technology
We use modern technology to perform laboratory tests. To ensure your test results meet the required standards
Accredited Laboratory
Has been KAN Accredited according to ISO 17025:2017 as the competence for food Laboratory Testing
Food Safety & Testing
We offers a complete scope of food testing such as microbiology, chemical, heavy metals, water testing, pesticide residue & swab test for food products. We could issue the COA (Certificate of Analysis) for the testing results.
Test Kit Supplies
Provide test kits for your laboratory needs such as Reveal Histamine, Reveal Allergen, Reveal Listeria, Alert for Sulfites, etc.

The dangers of yeast and mold and how air swab testing can detect
The Dangers of Yeast and Mold and How Air Swab Testing Can

Bahaya yeast and mold dan bagaimana swab udara bisa membantu mendeteksinya
Jamur merupakan mikroorganisme yang dapat dengan mudah berkembang di lingkungan yang lembab.

The Difference Between Soft Water and Hard Water
Water is a fundamental need for human life with numerous functions and