students at SDN 14 Pedungan drink water from RO machine

PT Seafood Inspection Laboratory CSR “We Care, We Share” at SDN 14 Pedungan Denpasar

DENPASAR, Friday 17 February 2024 – SD Negeri 14 Pedungan, Denpasar was happy with the arrival of PT Seafood Inspection Laboratory. All students were given socialization on the importance of water. With Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities entitled “We Care, We Share”, PT Seafood Inspection Laboratory provides clean water for Indonesian children, especially Bali and reduce the production of plastic waste towards environmental sustainability.

Not only socialization, but students were also distributed refillable drinking water bottles (tumblers) as way to save the earth by reducing plastic waste. Similar activities were previously held at SD Negeri 12 Sesetan in October 2022 and at SD Negeri 13 Pedungan last November 2022, this time PT. The Seafood Inspection Laboratory again provided a Reverse Osmosis (RO) machine to be used by students, teachers and staffs at SD Negeri 14 Pedungan.

PT Seafood Inspection Laboratory give socialization to students at SD Negeri 13 Pedungan

The socialization was delivered by I Gusti Ayu Candra Official, Head Analysis of PT Seafood Inspection Laboratory, Candra informs the importance of water for the body in maintaining health. Also educate the students about efforts to save the earth, especially from garbage and plastic waste for the future generations. PT Seafood Inspection Laboratory hopes that the distribution of refillable drinking water bottles will also motivate the students of SD Negeri 14 Pedungan to reduce their purchase of bottled drinking water.

Not just provided the machine, PT. Seafood Inspection Laboratory also ensures the maintenance Reverse Osmosis (RO) machine, so the water will always be safe to drink by the students. 

The head of SDN 14 Pedungan, Dra Ida Ayu Armika, thanked PT. The Seafood Inspection Laboratory chose her school as the recipient of the RO machine. The nation’s growth begins with a healthy body. This machine donation helps create a water clean and keep children healthy. “We are thankful and grateful for this program. Also, for the socialization of water and protecting the environment. Children will understand more about keeping their body healthy and save the environment,” she said.

Also present was the Chairman of the SDN 14 Pedungan Committee, Nyoman Putra Arimbawa, who appreciated the We Care, We Share activity. Putra said the RO machine had gone through several tests and surveys so it could help and ensure the students and teachers get clean and hygienic water.

“I thank PT Seafood Inspection Laboratory for this event and explanation. With the RO machines, children can get hygienic water and guarantee their health. Nowadays they are susceptible to disease because the water is not clean,” he explained.

PT. The Seafood Inspection Laboratory is committed to aiding for 20 units of Reverse Osmosis (RO) machines this year. PT. The Seafood Inspection Laboratory hopes that in the future it will be able to continue this activity to other schools in the Denpasar area and hopes to inspire and invite more young generation to be able to participate in preserving the environment.

Read also: We Care, We Share PT. Seafood Inspection Laboratory at SDN 13 Pedungan, Pemogan, Denpasar – Food Laboratory Based in Bali – Indonesia (

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