Mengandung Alergen Pada Kemasan Makanan – Yuk Simak Artinya !

Mengandung Alergen ? Mungkin sebagian dari anda pernah memperhatikan label pada kemasan makanan yang bertuliskan “mengandung alergen” ? Kira – kira apa ya arti dari label tersebut ? Pelabelan alergen ini penting dilakukan pada beberapa produk makanan yang mengandung bahan yang menyebabkan reaksi berlebihan setelah dikonsumsi. Beberapa orang memiliki alergi terhadap bahan pangan tertentu sehingga […]
World Water Day 2022 – Clean Water for Kids

World Water Day is a day celebrated as an effort to attract the public about the importance of clean water for life. Water is a fundamental human need. We use water for many purposes, such as drinking, cooking, washing, etc. Although there is an abundance of water available, not all of it is safe to […]
PCR Test di Bali – Pentingnya Test Sars-CoV-2 Pada Ikan & Kemasan sebelum di ekspor ke China

PCR Test di Bali – PCR Test untuk Sars-CoV-2 pada produk perikanan sangat di butuhkan beberapa eksportir ikan. Apakah anda salah satu eksportir perikanan? Salah satu negara tujuan ekspor ikan dari Indonesia adalah China. China merupakan salah satu negara yang memiliki pangsa pasar besar bagi para eksportir Ikan. Produk – produk perikanan dari Indonesia juga […]
Syarat Air Layak konsumsi menurut Permenkes – Yuk Cari Tau !

Sudah tahukah kalian bahwa air minum yang kita konsumsi harus memenuhi syarat air yang layak dikonsumsi? Konsumsi air minum adalah hal yang penting untuk tubuh kita agar tubuh tetap sehat dan terhindar dari dehidrasi. Air juga dapat membantu sistem pencernaan kita serta melindungi jaringan tubuh. Maka dari itu kita harus memperhatikan kualitas air yang kita […]
Fungsi Certificate of Analysis untuk exportir makanan

Fungsi Certificate of Analysis – Bagi anda produsen produk pangan yang ingin mengekspor produk harus memenuhi persyaratan dari negara tujuan. Pertama, anda harus melengkapi beberapa dokumen untuk keperluan ekspor. Salah satu dokumen tersebut adalah Certificate of Analysis (COA). Jika anda tidak memiliki COA maka akan ada kemungkinan penolakan atau penahanan otomatis di negara tujuan. Apa itu […]
PCR for Food Industry – Fast Results for microbiological testing

PCR for Food Industry – In microbiological laboratory testing, a faster testing method is needed to detect pathogenic microbes in food products. Food safety analysis is very important to ensure the quality of food products before distributed to the market. Therefore, testing for microbiological contamination of food products is very important and must be a […]
What is Salmonella Food Poisoning? – Preventing food poisoning before export food products

What is Salmonella Food Poisoning? – Seafood is one of the food products that contains essential nutrients that are beneficial to our bodies, but spoiled seafood can bring risk to consumers. The presence of pathogenic bacteria that contaminate the fishery and food products can damage the nutritional content in these products. It can actually cause […]
Cross Contamination of Seafood – How to Prevent Cross Contamination of Seafood

Cross contamination of seafood – Like other food products, seafood also contains bacteria and viruses that cause diseases. Microorganism that causes diseases can come from a variety of conditions including the environment, water contamination or cross contamination. There are many causes of contamination in seafood such as when shipping the food processing equipment, dismantling & […]
The Importance of Food Laboratory in Food Industry

The Importance of Food Laboratory – Food safety is an important factor that must be considered. Food manufacturers must pay attention to the food safety of their products. This effort is to ensure the safety of customers & potential consumers. Food poisoning cases that occurred can be lessons for manufacturers to improve the wholesomeness of […]
Salmonella detection with PCR – Detection of Salmonella in seafood sample by Real Time PCR Method

Salmonella detection with PCR