What is Salmonella Food Poisoning? – Seafood is one of the food products that contains essential nutrients that are beneficial to our bodies, but spoiled seafood can bring risk to consumers. The presence of pathogenic bacteria that contaminate the fishery and food products can damage the nutritional content in these products. It can actually cause health problems. One of the pathogenic bacteria that can contaminate fishery and food products is Salmonella. According to Burhanudin, Salmonella bacteria in fish can affect several aspects such as: product quality, deterioration of fishery quality and safety in consuming it. Salmonella bacteria are a pathogenic bacterium that can cause disease in humans. Due to the cases of Salmonella food poisoning, the FDA has implemented a detention block for imports of fishery products that contain Salmonella bacteria. Food products that are contaminated with Salmonella will certainly cause Salmonella food poisoning.

What is Salmonella food poisoning?

Salmonella food poisoning or salmonellosis is a disease caused by a type of Salmonella bacterial infection. According to Halodoc, Salmonellosis is food poisoning by Salmonella bacteria. Salmonellosis occurs because Salmonella bacteria found in contaminated food and drinks, then it gets into the digestive tract and infect the intestines, causing various digestive-related symptoms. Salmonellosis will certainly be risking you if you consume food products contaminated with salmonella bacteria.  Symptoms of salmonella food poisoning can come quickly, which is within 8 to 72 hours after consuming Salmonella contaminated food product.

According to HealthLine, the signs of Salmonellosis symptoms are as below:

  1. Stomach Cramps
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Fever
  4. Muscle Pain
  5. Dehydration
  6. Nausea and Vomiting

When experiencing diarrhea usually consumers are dehydrated. Kids can become severely dehydrated in just one day. This can lead to death. Food manufacturers must pay attention to the Salmonellosis problem. Then, how do you prevent salmonella food poisoning?

Preventing Salmonella food poisoning

After knowing what Salmonellosis is, it is necessary for you to know how to prevent it. To prevent Salmonellosis, it is crucial to take several actions below when handling food products, such as:

  1. Handling food products properly & hygiene.
  2. Using the right temperature in producing food. 
  3. Wash hands thoroughly before producing food products. 
  4. Use separate utensils for raw and cooked food products.
  5. Wear gloves or wash your hands thoroughly after the production process.

In Conclusion, food exporters must pay attention to cases of Salmonellosis. So, laboratory testing on food products is very crucial before exporting & distribution. Food manufacturers/ exporters can test for Salmonella contamination at an accredited laboratory to obtain a Certificate of Analysis mentioning that the product is free from salmonella bacteria. Food producers can choose the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method for the quicker test results. In addition, food producers can use the Reveal Salmonella test kit in their laboratory. All these efforts are of course to improve the product quality and fulfilling the import requirement in destination countries. So, do you still want to let your food products contaminated with Salmonella? Protect the quality of your food products with the Salmonella detection test kit. In order to minimize the lost due to salmonella contamination, schedule & do a structured & periodic testing on batches of products before product export & product distribution.