About Us
Welcome to PT Seafood Inspection Laboratory
A private laboratory for the seafood industry based in Bali, Indonesia. We provide testing services for seafood companies that are exporting to the United States, Europe and Asia. We specialize in seafood products and HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) system, such as testing for the presence of Salmonella, Histamine, Listeria, Vibrio, E.coli, Coliform, Clostridium botulinum, Clostridium perfringens, etc.
Established in 2009, the first mission of BASIL was to simulate the US FDA’s food safety inspection of fish products at import level into the United States. Until today, we have been supporting successful seafood exporters, mainly to the USA market, by testing their fish samples in our laboratory prior to export. We inspect the parameters of microbiology, chemical, heavy metals & organoleptic in the samples in order to ensure the product is wholesome, fit for human consumption, and qualified to pass FDA import food safety standards. We have been KAN Accredited. The second purpose of laboratory is to provide food safety, water quality and other relevant testing to not only seafood exporters, we are also supporting customers from hotels, food suppliers & food manufacturers all over Indonesia.
In addition to our food testing laboratory, food certification & food certified auditing, we also support our customers by providing Laboratory Test Kit & Equipment Supplies to our customers so they can operate their own on site laboratory in their facility.
Two other important services that we provide are Sensory Training Workshops & inter-laboratory comparison. Since the FDA is performing sensory inspections on imported products, it is crucial that customers’ internal QC are able to real time inspect their own raw materials organoleptically. It means they inspect the products’ odor & appearance to identify for any decomposing product. Secondly, inter laboratory comparison is important as it ensures the validity of customers’ internal testing results. We offer inter laboratory comparison for histamine, Salmonella & Vibrio spp.
All these stringent food safety services & efforts minimize the risks of being detained by FDA / import customs & lead to customers’ success. With a team of highly qualified employees, we have years of experience in laboratory and seafood services. Our team consists of experienced university graduates that specialized in fishery, food science & agriculture. On yearly basis, our staffs were trained by a retired US FDA inspector for sensory testing (organoleptic testing). The sensory testing is inspecting the odor, texture & appearance of the fish samples. Each year, our employees have repeatedly obtained high scores for their final sensory testing evaluation. The evaluation is using the US FDA grading system.
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Contact Us
Phone : +62361 - 4484924
Address : Jl. Bedugul no. 37B, Sidakarya Denpasar Selatan (80224)
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