Salmonella detection with PCR – Salmonella is one of the bacteria that causes food poisoning. Salmonella infection can cause severe illness to infants, the elderlies and individuals with compromised immune systems. Eating food that are contaminated with bacteria will certainly cause infection in the human body. Sources of Salmonella contaminants can come from seafood, dairy products, fresh produce, pet food and food contaminated in processing process.
Seafood products are very susceptible to Salmonella contamination. Seafood generally contains protein, so it can be a preferred medium for the growth of harmful bacteria such as Salmonella. Bad handling will increase product contamination. If the seafood product that you’re going to distribute contains Salmonella contamination, it will certainly hinder your sales and reduce your customers’ confidence. Consumers who consume seafood that has been contaminated with Salmonella will get several symptoms such as diarrhea, stomach cramps, fever, headaches and nausea. To reduce the possibility of poisoning due to consumption of contaminated seafood, it is necessary to have good handling and rapid detection of Salmonella contamination in raw and processed seafood before it reaches the market. Then, what is the quick method for detecting Salmonella in seafood?
Salmonella detection with PCR
Based on the previous article about Real-Time PCR Method, using this method is very suitable for the rapid detection of pathogenic bacteria in food, one of which is for seafood products. Seafood products on the market must be free from Salmonella. In order to reduce food poisoning in consumers, it is necessary to quickly detect Salmonella in food products before the distribution process. According to Omar, the Rapid methods for detecting Salmonella in food have developed, for example: techniques electrical, immunoassay analysis and nucleic acid. However, Real-Time PCR is a faster method of detecting Salmonella. Real-Time PCR method is a rapid procedure that has high sensitivity and specificity for direct detection of bacteria on food. This PCR method is very suitable for the choice of detecting Salmonella in products, because detection of Salmonella in seafood samples requires a fast, efficient and validated method. Based on Sony Muhsinin in his journal, the PCR method results can be analyzed in 1 day and the sensitivity and specificity values are > 90%. The PCR method is very suitable for Salmonella detection as it provides results in a fast manner. When the quantitative laboratory testing time could be cut to 1 day, it would automatically save the overall production time as well.
Benefits of Using a PCR Method for Salmonella Detection
Apart from getting the results in a fast manner, another advantage of using the PCR method for Salmonella detection is to facilitate the production process before distribution to the market. After being declared Salmonella-free, consumer would purchase the food products with confidence and make potential consumers feel safe. This will also improve product quality and enhance the company’s reputation. Protect your food business with Salmonella contamination testing quickly before trade.

Finally, we have learned that PCR Salmonella detection is an effective method for bacteria detection in seafood or food product. Being capable of producing testing result in a fast manner is one of the main advantages of using PCR testing method. Another advantage is that most of the time, product dispatch or container dispatch is waiting for laboratory testing result. If testing time can be cut down from, maybe a few days to 1 day, product dispatch or container dispatch could be done earlier & it could save a lot of time. For information on Salmonella detection with PCR testing method in BASIL, you can contact us! Let Us Be Your Laboratory.